Special One Multifix 250 ml
MULTIFIX is the latest Special One innovation in terms of Styling . This is a latest-generation modeling fluid that creates a effect that is as smooth as it is volume, or even curly , depending on the groomer's choice.
Natural composition:
Its formulation ensures the shine and elasticity of the coat, thus guaranteeing the desired fold for a long time. It creates a water-soluble film on the bristles, giving a memory effect so that you only need to run wet hands through the bristles to try a different style.
Examples and suggested uses:
- To smooth / seal:
Apply Multifix to the still damp hair, at the end of the bath (before drying), after having taken care to evacuate the excess water.
Distribute this gel evenly, then blow-dry while smoothing the fringes.
For an optimal afterglow effect, you can "tackle" the dry hair straight away.
- To volumize / curl:
Apply Multifix to the still damp hair, at the end of the bath (before drying), after having taken care to evacuate the excess water.
Distribute this gel evenly, if possible by hand.
For maximum volume, blow-dry and work the hair so as to air it out and plump it up.
To keep curls, "crumple" the hair as much as possible and dry it with a diffuser, without carding or combing.
- Multifix is not dangerous for the hair, it does not contain silicone, and therefore does not require the dog to be re-washed (unlike the lacquers generally used in contest).
Our commitments:
- Cosmetics biodegradable at + 90%
- Paraben-free, Silicone-free
- Not tested on animals.
- PEHD02 recyclable packaging
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