Special One Ciuri Ciuri 100ml
Ciuri Ciuri is not just a perfume, it is an emotional journey that awakens memories of happy and carefree moments. Each spray is a fragrant embrace that transforms your dog into a messenger of sweet emotions and pure joy. Let your dog wear this fragrance and discover together with him the enchantment of Ciuri Ciuri by Special One. Perfect for every occasion, it is the final touch that makes your furry companion the absolute protagonist of every walk and meeting. Discover Ciuri Ciuri – the fragrance that transforms every day into an unforgettable memory!
- Keep out of reach of children.
- The perfume contains alcohol and is therefore flammable.
- Do not spray in the dog's eyes: the product should be applied exclusively to the fur of the tail and the back of the back, maintaining a distance of 20 cm.
- Two sprays allow you to apply the product in sufficient quantity
During the Walk and in Company
Show Dogs
Small and Medium Sized Dogs
Dogs with Well-Groomed Coats
Older Dogs
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